Connecting to your Inner Wisdom

aka, that inner knowing, highest self, inner mentor.

ANOTHER practice we go over within the Mindfully Strong Method, and definitely one of my FAVORITES.

We all know what is best for ourselves. Truly, we have all the answers.

But somewhere along the line we lost touch with this valuable part of us, and lost a bit of trust in our own nudges and decision making skills.

Think about it, as a kid, you never questioned what you wanted to eat, to wear, what to do, you JUST DID IT.

As we got older we were slowly disconnected from this internal knowing. We were told what is fashionable, what foods are healthy and good to eat, and what is a responsible/safe life path.

Most of these “encouragements” were with good intention to have a successful, safe, and promising life in today’s world.

Unfortunately this external noise led us to thinking that people outside of us knew what was best for us. That we couldn’t trust that desire to do things differently. To step outside the box. It started to feel unsafe to trust just that voice, and we seek council for small and big decisions alike.

The reassuring truth is that your inner mentor is still present. THEY ARE STILL THERE!

They have been waiting to take the stage again. To help you seek your own answers and validation. And I am going to give you one of the ways in which you can start to create a relationship with this part of you again.

THIS IS NOT THE ONLY WAY. You may find that you connect with this piece of you when you are out in nature, when you have moments of silence to yourself, when you cook and dance in the kitchen. This is just one way I like to help people turn the volume up on the voice with a little more intention.

If you already know of a way that you connect well with this part of you, keep doing it! And bring your questions. What are you currently feeling stuck in? Where would you like more clarity?

Not sure where to start and would like some guidance?

Great!! I’ve gotchu.

Here is a simplified, self guided approach, that is similar to the practice I walk my clients through:

READ ALL THE STEPS FIRST and then go through the practice.

1) Book a date. Put it on your calendar. “DATE WITH INNER MENTOR”

No seriously do it now and copy past the steps below to the calendar event so you have them ready.

READY TO DO IT NOW? Well then skip this step. ;)

2) Set the stage.

Create a comfortable and quiet place for yourself. Grab a cup of tea, light a candle, open the windows (better yet, sit outside in the sun), set your phone on DO NOT DISTURB, grab your journal, and play your favorite calming music. I like to listen to binaural beats, but you choose! Try to refrain from music with words.


Settle in with a few longgg breaths. In through the nose, sigh out through the mouth. Repeat this for ~10 rounds.

4) Visualize one of your favorite places.

Close your eyes, imagine one of your favorite places. Paint the whole scene, the surroundings, the sounds, the smells.

5) Welcome in your HIGHEST self.

You are here to meet your highest self. They is waiting for you here. Paint the picture of them. What are they wearing? How do they hold themselves? What energy do they give off? What is the expression on their face?

6) Start the conversation.

Are you a hugger? Go in for a hug. Feel the support of this part of you. Find a comfortable space to sit with them. Start with a few simple questions. EX: How are they? What do they enjoy? What are they excited about? What is one of their favorite things to do?

It’s OKAY if the answers don’t come super clearly the first time. That is normal.

7) Set the intention to come back

As you get more and more comfortable with this visualization practice, the easier it gets. Don’t let this be a one and done. Keep coming back and develop a relationship. Bring questions that you are curious about. Bring in things you are looking for more guidance on.

8) Optional: Journal about the trip

I find journaling after the visualization with the bits of advice and feelings I felt throughout, helps me to actually bring them into reality and into my day.

Look for other opportunities to welcome them in.

You don’t need to go through this whole visualization practice to meet with them. They are always there. When faced with small or big decisions throughout your day, ask yourself what you inner mentor or highest self would do? You might be surprised with the outcome.

I hope this helps you build more trust in your self and helps you cultivate a stronger relationship to your own inner wisdom.

Here’s to you!

💕 Sam


MSM - Step Two: Overcoming Limiting Beliefs with a Growth Mindset