Creating sustainable routines

Let’s talk about habits and routines that help us create our desired reality.

🎄This is even MORE appropriate going into the holiday season. If we can start now by creating some habits that fill our cup and leave us feeling supported, the more we can show up for other things in our life, RIGHT?
First to be clear there is a difference between habits and routines:

A habit is a behavior that is repeated regularly and often occurs subconsciously. It is acquired through frequent repetition and becomes automatic over time.

A routine, on the other hand, is a sequence of actions that are regularly followed, consciously planned and structured.

Not all routines become completely habitual. Some routines involve more complex tasks that require conscious attention, but individual parts of the routine (such as starting the activity at a certain time) can still become automatic.

We can use routines to form habits and the better we understand habits, the better we can set up sustainable routines.

If you are overwhelmed thinking about starting something new, and having to spend more time you don’t have on this, remember this is not about BIG GRANDIOSE changes. This is about small adjustments to make your life easier, not harder.
If it starts to feel heavy, take a step back, and notice the “shoulds” and old beliefs that are popping up.

Then shift and let this come from a place of self-love and abundance. Remind yourself that small changes over time lead to big results. One step at a time.

(I work with a lot of busy perfectionists if you can’t tell)

I created something for you to help clearly break down each part of the habit so you can better understand the structure and what supports each stage.


Now it’s your turn to put in a little hand and heart work.

1) Think of a short routine or habit you’ve been wanting to implement that has been a little tricky. 

Or an area of your life that could benefit from a small adjustment. 

Examples: your primal needs (aka food, water, sleep, movement, connection), work, etc.

What do you want this routine/adjustment to look like?

Take the time to brainstorm and write it down now.

2) Now go to the insert provided and pick 1-2 things in the tip category to help make it a little more sustainable and achievable for yourself. Set reminders if you need them. Make a time slot in your calendar to do any prep for yourself. Here. we. go!

3) BONUS POINTS: Take a slow long sip of your drink, take a few breaths, those really deep nourishing ones, and visualize yourself making this change. Seeing yourself do it in your mind's eye allows your brain to rehearse the actions, making it easier to carry them out in reality.

STAY flexible throughout this process and let it evolve as you learn more about what works and doesn’t work for you. 

Here’s to showing up for ourselves in small ways everyday!

With gratitude, 



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