The Mindfully Strong Method

1:1 Mental Performance Coaching Program for Active Women!

Empowering ambitious, active women to harness their own inner strength, wisdom, & resilience

“The MSM was designed to enhance your

confidence, joy, & sense of fulfillment

within daily life, work,

and chosen forms of movement & play.

It's main purpose is to support you in

reconnecting with your

innate wisdom

while unlocking your

fullest potential

with less self-doubt, self-sabotage, and worry.”

- Sam Crow

Sounds too good to be true..?

That is one of many limiting beliefs we will tackle..

Read on for the HOW. 👇

The 8 Step Method:

This method brings in a new layer each week that strategically builds off the last with pre-recorded educational content, 1:1 coaching calls, worksheets and more!

  • First, let's lay the groundwork with mindfulness, carving out moments of stillness, calm, and deep breaths. No matter how jam-packed your schedule, rest assured, you can integrate this essential step. Mindfulness grants us the invaluable gift of observing without judgment and fosters intentional presence throughout the day. By embracing this simple yet profound practice, we create the necessary space and launching pad for the transformative journey ahead.

  • This step elevates your mindful moments to new heights. With a foundation of presence established, it's time to delve deeper into uncovering your patterns of behavior. Through journaling and reflection, we'll shine a light on these patterns, discerning which ones serve us well and which ones no longer align with your growth. This process of self-discovery and discernment paves the way for intentional change and evolution.

  • Within each of us lies an inner mentor awaiting our attention. This week, our focus is on reconnecting with that guiding voice and nurturing trust in its wisdom once more. In a world filled with opinions, self-help literature, and external experts, it's crucial to remember that the ultimate authority on your life resides within you. Let's quiet the noise and tune into the invaluable guidance of our inner mentor.

  • Values are often overlooked, yet they are among the most powerful tools at our disposal. Acting as our internal compass, they guide us towards our true north. In this session, we'll delve deep into uncovering your core values—the guiding principles that light you up with joy and purpose.

  • Throughout our lives, we accumulate a myriad of beliefs—from inherited notions to past experiences—that shape our perspectives. While some serve us well, others hinder our growth. This week, our focus is on nurturing a growth mindset, empowering us to transcend limitations and embrace a “limitless” mindset.

  • We're all given with the same 24 hours each day, yet it's how we allocate that time and our energy that shapes our journey of self-evolution. This step guides you in gaining clarity on where your time is spent and empowers you to realign it with the vision of your future self.

  • With the multitude of decisions we face daily, it's easy to become overwhelmed. This step focuses on establishing routines and habits that prioritize your well-being and support your journey. By automating tasks and implementing effective systems, you free up valuable time to show up fully for both yourself and others.

  • As we conclude the 8-week program, we'll equip you with the invaluable tool of resilience, ensuring you leave on a high note. You'll discover how to nurture resilience and maintain consistency even when faced with challenges. This final step instills in you the confidence to continue the journey independently, armed with the skills and insights gained throughout our time together.

The MSM opens for it’s 2nd round Spring of 2025!

Your coaching package includes:

  • Weekly 45 minute 1:1 coaching sessions

  • 8 x Educational Videos for each step of The Method

  • Weekly Guided Meditations

  • Mindfully Strong Workbook

Your investment: $1200

(payment plans available for no extra fee)


  • The program is open to all women, (trans and cis-gender) as well as non-binary people who identify with the women’s community. It is for you if you are looking to build a deeper connection to self and build a toolbox of intrinsic tools and techniques to help you the show up as their best possible self in daily life.

  • Spring of 2025. The exact date will be released in April!

    Once the program starts we schedule coaching calls on Calendly, where you can find a time that fits into your schedule.

  • It is 8 weeks long. However you will have 12 weeks to work through the content and schedule your calls. This is built in so that if you have something come up or need more time for a step you can take it without any stress!

  • Everything is online, so from WHEREVER you are!

  • 1200, you can pay all upfront or select a 4 month payment plan for no extra cost.

  • You book the 1:1 coaching calls! Meaning you can pick the time within my office hours. There will be mornings, afternoons, and evening times available throughout the week.

    The rest of the program (ie. the educational modules and homework) are done on your own time.