Foundations Check-Up

Looking to bring more balance into your daily life but not sure what you should be paying attention to or what things to check in with?

After years of coaching, I have curated a comprehensive list of the 12 areas in our lives that are vital to our overall physical & mental health.

(This list is a revised list that I originally got from my schooling at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition)

These are the 12 buckets that I like to check up on, every few months with my clients.

I want to share those with you so you can self-evaluate where your work-life-play schedule might becoming a little lopsided.

Now the goal is to not have a perfectly balanced load. The GOAL of this exercise is to bring awareness to all these key players in your life.

Some of these areas might not be as important to you as others and that is TOTALLY okay.

This is just my list, feel free to edit, add, and change as you see fit.

You might find you are doing better than you thought, you might find you are in need of a few minor tweaks, or you might be craving a big shift. Either way, I hope this tools is helpful in determining where you are in need of extra love, attention, nourishment, and support!

On a scale from 1-10 rate how satisfied you are with each of these areas in your life:

(remember, no judgement, just awareness)

  1. Creativity

  2. Career

  3. Finances

  4. Relationships

  5. Health

  6. Food

  7. Hydration

  8. Movement

  9. Home space

  10. Time spent Outside

  11. Spirituality

  12. Sleep

Now go back to your 1-3 lowest numbers on your chart and ask yourself how you can support this area of your life?

Make small shifts to start.

If you are craving more creativity and connection maybe you schedule a date with a friend to go to the craft store and have an evening of painting and wine!

If you are feeling your movement is being neglected maybe you bring in 10 minute walks into your lunch break.

If your sleep is being neglected maybe you make a better nighttime routine to start winding down earlier.

You get the picture.

I hope this helps bring a but more stability and awareness into your week!

Much love!


Defining “Your Best”


Wait! Before you give up!